Consumer Reviews of Georgia Pacific Cement Siding
The opinions expressed in these reviews are the opinions of consumers that submitted reviews to They do not necessarily represent the opinions of
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Review Written: 2011-03-08
Georgia Pacific Review: "So good so far but now showing age"
Name: J. MillerLocation: Vero Beach, FL
Model: Nautilus
Cement Siding Satisfaction Rating:
I like the George Pacific siding we have on our house, it has held up for about 10 years now and just starting to show age.
Review Written: 2011-02-02
Georgia Pacific Review: "Puzzling how it appears worn but works well."
Location: Buford, GeorgiaCement Siding Satisfaction Rating:
The cement siding has been there since I purchased the home new about 5 and a half years ago. I love how the siding keeps out bugs. It is a very durable product and has lasted well for a very long time. It does a fantastic job of insulating. I have never had a structural weakness or any real deformity like a hole or crack all the way through. However I seem to find that there are superficial surface holes. It looks as though air was caught in the concrete and later the thin covering of the air bubble was shattered leaving the siding filled with little open pockets. I would reccomend the product on its performance not its appearence.